October 19, 2006

got your number

i love this story ...

"lisa salzer had the good fortune to come across the original bronze door numbers, circa 1907, from [the legendary plaza] hotel rooms while seeking antique pieces to incorporate with her lulu frost jewelry. knowing that people would love a keepsake from the hotel, lisa bought the room numbers and incorporated them with antique chains and pearls, fashioning them into striking and poignant necklaces that allow a piece of the legendary plaza to be kept close. it is said that the numbers were about to be thrown away by the carpenters working on the renovation, but were salvaged at the last minute."

thank goodness for you, lisa!

image from barneys new york.


Anonymous said...

I've been lusting after those necklaces for a while now. I think they just might be making it onto my Christmas list.

holly said...

me, too! consider yourself hinted, tripper!