in honor of the season, karen from kstyle and holly from holly's plate (that's me!) have teamed up to bring you the twelve days of christmas holiday contest. starting december 1st and running for 12 days thereafter, karen and holly will be posting a single letter on their sites for a total of two letters each day. collect these letters, 24 in all, and at the end of the 12 days, unscramble them to reveal a holiday phrase. the first person to correctly unscramble the phrase and email karen at troyajijic@yahoo.com will win a pair of karen's hand-crafted lampwork earrings. the first person to unscramble the phrase and email holly at hollyloo@gmail.com will win a holiday bumbleknees print made by holly. good luck and happy holidays!
ps: here's a hint (you're only going to get this one!) ... the phrase is made up of seven words.
Yay! What a fun idea.
woo hooooo
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