February 6, 2007

bird on a wire

tripper and i went to sunday brunch at his grandmother's house over the weekend. (we had a lovely time, maMyrt!!) i'd been there plenty before, but this time i had my camera with me. yay! she has the most amazing things she's collected over the years and such fascinating stories that go with. my absolute favorite is the bird mobile above, which came from a north carolina craft fair 25 years ago! it hangs from the light over her dining room table and really is a true joy to look at. it's stunning, so delicate and beautifully made. i love how when the table is full of family and friends and dishes are passed the little birds start to fly. of course trying to get them to be still for a picture was another story!!

ps ... i don't know the stories behind these other pieces, the frog and the fawns, but i will find out. cute, no?


Anonymous said...

What a sweet post, Holly. I love when people place things with meaning or fun stories in their home. This is what those "Parade of Homes" houses lack, and they never fail to leave me cold. She sounds like such an interesting and fun person to have in your family!

holly said...

she is! she is! she's definitely one of the more interesting people i've met in my life.