June 7, 2007

label maker

my friend cristi gave me the scoop on these amazing return address labels by felix doolittle. aren't they great?! they're designed by felix fu, originally of hong kong and now living in newton, massachusetts. i lived near boston as a kid and spent summers down the cape with my grandparents—i just knew there was a new england influence in these! to me they feel like going home. not only does he do amazing little watercolors for labels, but also personalized stationery, social cards, invitations, baking labels—you name it! beautiful.

images from felix doolittle.


kstyle said...

I love love felix and doolittle. k

Anonymous said...

I love them! It makes me think of hundreds of things I would love to have him do for me! Also, I found your blog today through Hostesswiththemostess....I am glad to have found you and will make sure to come back!