December 17, 2007

i'm ok!

i'm sincerely sorry for the lack of posts lately. i've been feeling really sick. i'm hoping to pick up where i left off with some cute ornaments and other christmas ideas soon.



miss.supafly said...

Glad to hear you're OK -- I was starting to wonder!

Kelly said...

Hope your feeling better soon! R&R if you can. We'll look forward to seeing some cuteness in the near future.

kristy said...

yes, i too hope you get feeling better soon!

drey said...

get better soon, hope everything's ok...

been missing your posts

A Novelist said...

I hope you're feeling better soon! That was me for the past two weeks; sick in bed! :( Get well soon....

casapinka said...

I hope you're feeling better soon, Holly. There are lots of us out here who miss your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hope you felt better for the holidays!