October 11, 2007

halloween krinkles

patience brewster's halloween krinkles collection is so cute it's scary! ok, not really scary, but so very clever and creative. i think the frog candy dish is my favorite. that or the witchy shoe salt and pepper shakers. and i think my mum would just love those floaty leaf people. they're totally her colors! check out the whole collection at department 56 and click the link to find stores that stock krinkles in your area. oh, and a special thanks to kit for hunting these down for me. you're the best!

images from department 56.


Traci Anne said...

So cute! I'm so sad I'm going out of town ON Halloween - I feel like I can't decorate for it this year! I'm in mourning since I'll be on a plane on the night of my fave holiday :(

Santa Trama said...

hello Holly!
you're fabulous, but I speak and understand only the spanish and the french. But I'll write in portuguese, I hope you understand my opinion of your site that is maravilhoso!!! 1.000 idéias, contudo os preços ($$$) nos EUA são incrivelmente altos para os brasileiros. I have one blog http://santatrama.blogspot.com

I live in extreme south of Brasil, na cidade de Pelotas. continuarei apreciando as belezas de seu site. coloquei-o entre os meus favoritos. um abraço da Marisa.

Anonymous said...

My FAVORITES are the mouse salt and pepper shakers!!! Creepy, but still cute! Kit

Anonymous said...

Cute cute cutre!