i once saw in one of those french decorating magazines i can't pronounce the most fantastic arrangement of bulls. odd? yes. fantastic? also yes. the article was about a hotel in spain. (i so wish i still had the clipping!) the photo was of, of all things, the valet's key board. instead of having pegs or hooks, there were dozens and dozens of bulls all lined up in rows and all holding a set of keys by the horns. the sheer number made them magnificent, fanciful and unbelievable. i wish i could remember the name of the hotel ... i'd love to see the display live and in person. i also wish i could get my hands on eight of those bulls for my bathroom. i have a wall begging for something like that. four rows of two over the toilet ... can't you just see it? yay!

in the meantime, i am having fun searching and scouring stores and even towns looking for the perfect bathroom bulls. i did find this beauty on a recent trip, though not for the bathroom. it's from a store in alpharetta called finders keepers (*great stuff!*) and now lives on a shelf in our spare bedroom. i love the liquidity and the lines of this little guy. he reminds me of a tootsie pop. yum!

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