isn't this directory fabulous? it's so artful. it would look great on a wall back in my condo at home in atlanta. this is what i love so much about new york. unexpected fabulousness. i mean, they simply could have done the standard directory you see at dental offices and medical buildings and malls, but no ... they did this. it's lovely. a special thanks to the bayard building doorman for letting us in to take a picture.
tripper snapped this next picture. it's simple and i love it. it's so new york to me. sleek and gritty. functional and beautiful.

stay tuned for field trip: new york {day two} coming up tomorrow. hopefully i'll have purchases! ok, i will have purchases!
i love this bottom photo! and i am sure you have found something to buy by now? have a great trip!
Thats so funny! That directory is in the lobby of the building my husband used to work in! Thats where he was working when we met!
What a small world!
i love that small world stuff!
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