tripper and i spent most of day two searching and searching ... for warm clothes! it was freezing. and we're from the south. and we packed like it was going to be 80ยบ ... which it was not. so, instead of bouncing from home store to home store, we bounced from apparel shop to apparel shop. we did manage to make it into a couple of home places, my two favorites were gracious home and fishs eddy. *wonderful!* take a looksee ...

pms plates:
to a design nerd like myself, these pantone color plates are a huge hit!

democratic mugs:
aren't these clever? mugs of democrats on mugs for coffee. i love it! also available in the republican variety.
day two also brought with it some good celebrity sightings. i *think* i spotted gina gershon, but can't quite be sure. tripper and i *know* we spotted willem dafoe. we were eating dinner at a cute little outdoor cafe in the village and he was at the hair salon across the street. how fabulous! we also spotted mark feuerstein (white house deputy chief of staff clifford calley on the west wing) at the shop where i bought my new warm and toasty north face. yay!
day three (today) was much warmer. i wore the new north face anyway. we didn't have a lot of time before we had to head to the airport, so we just spent it eating brunch and people watching. all in all, a very lovely trip!
1 comment:
Gracious Home became a big part of the "the dream" when I went to school in Manhattan. I'd often find myself there in between classes...taking in all the cream fabrics, vases and Upper Eastside women walking their bundles of "perfect" in $1500 strollers. I would slowly meander with my latte from the quaint coffee shop next door, and silently mark the items that would one day be mine...in my "understated" 3/2 on the park. I thoroughly enjoyed those afternoons of dreaming. That's New York for you though...you dream big..yet you appreciate the small.
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