January 31, 2007

casapinka: a house in translation

in case you haven't heard, there's an exciting new blog to follow! casapinka: a house in translation is the brainchild of homeowner pink from pink mohair and interior designer anna from absolutely beautiful things. it will chronicle their attempt to design a house together. the twist? they have never met before. their only communication will be via email, telephone and post. and, one lives in queensland, australia, while the other lives here in the states! the project is planned for one year with three to four posts per week and reader involvement is highly encouraged. go check it out!

image from casapinka.

ps ... all the blogs above now live in my look! list for easy reference.


kstyle said...

Such a clever idea. Can't wait to follow and see what they come up with. k

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, Holly. I was shocked when I just came over. Thanks for the plug!

holly said...

lol. it is startling when you see your photos on someone else's blog, isn't it? anyway, i love the idea and have had such fun following along so far!! can't wait to see what's next!

Anna Spiro said...

Thank you Holly for the lovely mention - very kind of you.
Kindest regards,
Anna Spiro