February 7, 2007

with this ring

after trying out several key rings (don't worry, the others are all being used for spares), i've finally found the one! it's a glorious letter h. i picked it up the other weekend while shopping with my friend karen in decatur. they have the neatest shops over there!! this came from the seventeen steps, karen's favorite gift shop. the other night, tripper and i went to a coffee bar and i threw my newly adorned keys down on the table. the h landed *almost* upright and with a little help from me, it stood up for a picture. i love it!


Anonymous said...

huge instore apparel sale starts at anthropologie tmrw!

holly said...

oh hooray! thank you, anon. thank you!

kstyle said...

Now that would have been the best find of all for the holiday scramble. Darling. k

Anonymous said...

That keyring is perfect! I've been through three in nine months and still haven't found THE ONE yet.

Anonymous said...

Very sweet.