August 1, 2007

wishing & hoping: the stairwell

so this month, domino magazine did a spread on the home of windsor smith. i love, love, love what she did in her stairwell. the massive oversized Jacques-Henri Lartigue shot, which she found at a flea market (!) is divine, especially when surrounded by all the smaller black and whites. so, on to the wishing and hoping part—

if we get that house i've been going on and on about, i would love to do something like this. the stairs are not quite situated in the same way, but there is a landing area that could be treated in a similar fashion (you can even see it from the front door). instead of the large glamour shot i'd like to use the photo tripper took below. i love it dearly. we had a large print of it made as a trial run and it's fabulous!!



kristy said...

what a great photo of ed! *love it*

carol c said...

that is adorable. it would be awesome in a stairwell.

Anonymous said...

Awesome photo of that cute dog of yours, perfect centerpiece for a photo wall

Jessica said...

I think that would look incredible!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! Eddie looks so cute. Tell him i miss him!

Anonymous said...

I admired her whole stairwell, yard and house! Love the picture of Ed, so adorable.

Alicia said...

I love this whole look! And, I am sure your sweet dog would be the perfect photograph to build a lovely gallery around.